Do you know STIFIns test? it is a test for checking the type of people based on the pattern of fingerprint. It’s great test actually. The price of the test was Rp 250.000,- for taking such test (I feel like a seller). From the test, I was proven as Felling Extrovert person. Almost all of the descriptions were matched with my character. I am satisfied enough with the result.
One of the description from the result is that I am good at
communication. Actually, I like presenting something in front of people
and I am happy when they can understand
what I say. However, I am afraid with failure. Yeah, it is my biggest enemy in
communication. Consequently, I am afraid of just trying to raise my hand and
open my mouth. Then, I begin to try lately. My first chance was coming. I
accepted the order to be a speaker for the welcoming event for the new students
in my university. The committee said that I just need to share my experience in
completing my study on time and the way to balance study and organization.
Then, I just say ‘YES’ without thinking the consequence (I feel like ‘Yes Man')
The time was coming. It was on Friday, 26 August, 2016. My
show began with bad start because I
forgot some steps, but after several minutes the problem was over. My trembling
began to go away and the stage was on my hand. I felt like the real
motivator(hohohohoho....) Actually, I had ever had dream to be a motivator.
However, I don’t think it was good idea because I could not pass the exam for
entering motivation school. Yet, it’s not a big matter. I had got much
experience from the test.
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